Home > analyzeMFT > Updated analyzeMFT – fixed MFT record number reporting

Updated analyzeMFT – fixed MFT record number reporting

When I originally wrote analyzeMFT I assumed that the MFT record numbers would start at zero and politely increase by one for each record so “recordNumber = recordNumber + 1” would be valid. Happily, this worked, apparently for years. That is, until Jamie threw corrupted MFT files at it, such as MFT records extracted from memory.

  1. The sequence numbers had gaps
  2. If there was a gap, then the actual sequence number wouldn’t match the reported sequence number
  3. Determination of the file path might be off as the parent record number pulled from the entry might now point to the wrong entry


This has been fixed.

I also fixed the handling of orphan files, those files that had a null parent or whose parent was a file.

This is a pretty significant fix and I would suggest upgrading.


Git: git clone https://github.com/dkovar/analyzeMFT.git
Code: https://github.com/dkovar/analyzeMFT/blob/master/analyzeMFT.py

Categories: analyzeMFT
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